Thunnus albacares

Thunnus albacares

We operate our Yellowfin Tuna factory in Bitung, North Sulawesi. Our strategic location places us exactly within the certified fishing grounds.

our process


Our Laut Biru Seafood,  Bitung Tuna Processing Procedure:
We operate our Yellowfin Tuna factory in Bitung, North Sulawesi. Our strategic location places us exactly within the certified fishing grounds. Here are the key steps in our tuna processing:

1 Catch and Crew:
Our Yellowfin Tuna is 100% hand-line caught. Our skilled fishermen operate tuna fishing boats that typically spend 10-21 days at sea.
Each crew consists of 7-12 dedicated fishermen who ensure the quality and sustainability of our catch.

2 Fresh Landing and Chilling:
Upon arrival at the Bitung port, all tuna are landed fresh.
We immediately chill the tuna to preserve their freshness and flavor.

3 Ocean Union Grading and Weighing:
Our Ocean Union team receives the fresh landing at the port.
They meticulously grade and weigh each tuna before transporting them to our processing plant.

4 Histamine Testing:
At the Laut Biru Seafood factory, we subject every fish to a rigorous histamine test.
Only those that meet our stringent quality standards proceed to the processing line.

5 Tasteless Smoke Treatment and Freezing:
The fully cleaned whole fresh loins undergo treatment using an automatic Gas injection machine.

6 Precision Cutting:
Finally, the frozen loins are band saw cut into various forms:
Poke cubes
Center-cut loins

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The Ocean Union

John D. Paterson

Founder & CEO

Request a call back from
The Ocean Union

John D. Paterson

Founder & CEO

John D. Paterson

Founder & CEO